8 Beautiful Indonesia Travel Words that Describe Wanderlust Perfectly

If you’ve ever felt an irresistible urge to explore the world outside your own backyard, you know the power of wanderlust. The desire to travel, explore, and discover new places is a universal experience that transcends language and culture.

But what if there were words that perfectly capture the essence of this wanderlust? In Indonesia, there are unique words that express the beauty and spirit of travel in ways that English simply can’t. In this article, we’ll introduce you to eight of the most beautiful Indonesia travel words that perfectly describe wanderlust.

Key Takeaways:

  • Indonesia has unique words that beautifully describe the spirit of travel.
  • These words go beyond what English can express.
  • Understanding these words can deepen your appreciation of travel experiences.
  • You don’t have to speak Indonesian to appreciate the beauty of these words.
  • Exploring new cultures and languages can enrich your travel experiences.

1. Resfeber

Have you ever felt a restless excitement and nervousness right before a journey? There is actually a word for that feeling. It’s called Resfeber, an Indonesian word that perfectly captures the anticipated thrill and anxiety of embarking on an adventure. The word is derived from two Swedish words: “resfebr,” meaning travel fever, and “hacebär,” meaning stress or discomfort. Resfeber is the combination of the two, describing the mixed emotions of excitement and apprehension one feels before setting off to a new place.


When we imagine traveling, sometimes our whimsical thoughts take us beyond the horizon. “Fernweh” encompasses the desire to explore places that are far-off – a tingling excitement inside that beckons us to indulge in the great adventure of travel.

Derived from “fern” meaning distant, and “weh” meaning pain, this word encapsulates the longing and craving for new experiences beyond our current surroundings. It’s a feeling that many travelers know well – the desire to wander, explore, and discover the unknown.

“The very basic core of a human being’s living spirit is their passion for adventure.” – Christopher McCandless

3. Wunderlust

Have you ever experienced the wonder that comes with exploring a new place? Wunderlust is an Indonesian word that perfectly encapsulates this sense of awe and marvel that comes with travel. Combining the words “wanderlust” and “wonder,” Wunderlust describes the feeling of being spellbound by a new and unfamiliar place. It’s a powerful word that reminds us of the magic that travel can bring.

“Wunderlust is the feeling you get when you’re exploring a place that fills your heart with wonder, reminding you why you love to travel in the first place.”


One of the joys of traveling is the unexpected moments that make us laugh and smile. These moments are perfectly captured by the Indonesian word “Jayus.” It represents the humor and lightheartedness that can arise when we step out of our comfort zones and explore new places.

From mispronouncing words in a foreign language to getting lost and stumbling upon a hidden gem, travel has a way of bringing us joy and laughter in the most unexpected ways.

5. Yōkoso

Indonesia is known for its warm hospitality, and the word “Yōkoso” embodies this feeling perfectly. Meaning “welcome” in Indonesian, this word showcases the open-mindedness and friendly nature that travelers often encounter in the country. Whether you are visiting a local family or arriving at a hotel, hearing “Yōkoso” will instantly make you feel at home and at ease.

6. Tahan Rindu

When we travel, there are often certain places or people that we become attached to and long for when we are physically separated from them. This bittersweet feeling is perfectly captured by the Indonesian phrase “Tahan Rindu.”

The literal translation of this phrase is “hold back the longing,” and it is used to describe the ache felt when we miss someone or something deeply. It is a poignant reminder of the powerful emotions that travel can evoke within us and the lasting impact that certain places or experiences can have on our lives.

For many travelers, “Tahan Rindu” is a familiar feeling, one that reminds us of the connections we forge with people and places around the world. It is a testament to the human spirit and our ability to form meaningful connections, even when we are far from home.

7. Merindu

The Indonesian word “Merindu” encapsulates the intense feeling of longing and nostalgia for a place or experience that is associated with wanderlust and travel memories. It represents the powerful emotional connections that we develop with the places we visit and the people we meet on our journey.

This beautiful word describes a yearning for the sights, sounds, and sensations that we experience when we travel, and it captures the essence of why we love to explore new places. Whether we are reminiscing about past adventures or dreaming of future ones, “Merindu” reminds us of the magic and wonder that travel can bring into our lives.

8. Jalan-jalan

In Indonesia, the phrase “Jalan-jalan” is used to describe going out for a walk or a trip. It represents the joy and freedom of exploring new places and experiencing new things. Whether it’s a solo adventure or a group outing, Jalan-jalan embodies the spirit of wanderlust and the excitement of travel.


Language is a powerful tool for expressing and understanding the beauty of travel experiences. Through these eight beautiful Indonesian travel words, we have explored the spirit and essence of wanderlust, from the restless excitement of “Resfeber” to the nostalgia and yearning of “Merindu.”

Each of these unique words captures a different facet of the travel experience, highlighting the joy, wonder, humor, and hospitality that we encounter on our journeys. Whether exploring far-off lands or simply going out for a walk with loved ones, the word “Jalan-jalan” embodies the freedom and joy of new experiences.

As travelers, we can all appreciate the power of language in expressing our love of exploration and adventure. We hope this article has inspired you to discover new words and phrases that capture the beauty of travel. Thank you for joining us on this linguistic journey!


What are beautiful Indonesia travel words?

Beautiful Indonesia travel words are unique Indonesian words that perfectly capture the essence of wanderlust and evoke the spirit and beauty of travel.

What is the meaning of “Resfeber”?

“Resfeber” is an Indonesian word that describes the restless excitement and anxiety one feels before embarking on a journey.

What does “Fernweh” mean?

“Fernweh” is an Indonesian word that represents the longing and craving for far-off places, a deep desire to explore and travel beyond one’s current surroundings.

What is the concept of “Wunderlust”?

“Wunderlust” is a unique Indonesian word that combines wanderlust and a sense of marvel or wonder, capturing the awe-inspiring beauty of travel.

What does “Jayus” represent?

“Jayus” symbolizes the joyous humor and laughter that travel can bring, highlighting the delightful and unexpected moments experienced on a journey.

What does “Yōkoso” mean?

“Yōkoso” is an Indonesian word that means “welcome.” It embodies the warm hospitality and open-mindedness that travelers often encounter in Indonesia.

What does “Tahan Rindu” convey?

“Tahan Rindu” conveys the bittersweet feeling of yearning for a place or person while being physically separated, capturing the emotional impact of travel.

What is the meaning of “Merindu”?

“Merindu” describes the intense longing and nostalgia for a place or experience, encapsulating the essence of wanderlust and travel memories.

What does “Jalan-jalan” mean?

“Jalan-jalan” simply means to go out for a walk or a trip in Indonesian. It represents the joy and freedom of exploring new places.

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